Building Upgrades
Building Upgrades
Many of the most desirable properties in the best locations were built quite some years ago in one of several building waves dating back to 1980 and even earlier. These properties may be nearer to the beach or facilities and be in open, low density complexes with large gardens and special views.
They can, however, often be in need of updating and upgrading – some may even be in their original condition.
A new kitchen, bathroom, replacement windows, full cassette folding arm awnings, or new flooring/terracing and even getting furnace repair can dramatically transform a property and significantly increase it’s appeal and value. Need a landscaping company Greensboro, call Ground Scapes.
Our Project Management Division has a skilled team of craftsmen experienced in all aspects of building reformations and we can show many examples of the work we have done for clients supported by references. Our prices are very competitive and we are on hand to supervise the works through to completion. All work and materials are guaranteed
Bathrooms can date very quickly! Designs and colours of sanitaryware and tiles are subject to fashion trends over the years and a bright, modern, stylish bathroom will add greatly to the enjoyment of your holiday home – both for owners and their guests. It will also add value to your property investment.
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The Kitchen can be the heart of your home. A tired and outdated kitchen can be difficult to keep clean and is a very obvious pointer to your standards of presentation and concern for your home. A reformed kitchen will transform any property and add style, enjoyment and value to your overseas property investment.
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Patios, courtyards and terraces are the outdoor living areas in your holiday home. In older properties these areas will need to be updated to modern standards of presentation using materials which provide more durable surfaces which are easier to clean and maintain – adding to enjoyment of the outdoor lifestyle.
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Windows and doors are important to keep your property secure and to conserve energy and keep out the bad weather. We may have 320 days sunshine a year but when it does rain it often downpours and when Wintertime comes along it can be quite cold. Older properties often have doors and windows of inferior materials with poor insulation.
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To really enjoy the sunshine lifestyle during the hot Summer months a smart, well maintained pool is essential. Whether you require an existing pool upgraded or the installation of a totallyu new pool, our building project team can advise on the design of the pool and surrounding terracing and do the work quickly and competitively to the highest standards.
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We have established contacts with many local furnishing companies we can recommend who supply well designed, good quality furniture and furnishings at competitive prices to suit all budgets.
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